Collective memory for transformative experiences.

Through the marriage of collective journaling with digital art, we aim to empower experience designers of any kind to foster conversation, hear feedback, and integrate shared experiences with their communities. 

Co-create with us

Share a story


Become the artist of your own experience.


Imagine you are recording a message to your future self. What would you like them to remember about Regens Unite Berlin?  


Start with… “I want to remember…”


Privacy Note: recordings will be used to create data-driven digital art, only. Your recording will not be shared or published anywhere!

    How did you get here?

    If you chose "Other", what brings you?

    Want to stay involved?

    Include your email and we will send you a prototype visualisation (as an NFT!) of how your story becomes our story.

    We will also let you know when the next pilot prompt is up and running so we can continue to build together. Thanks for creating with us.


    – Your Loob.Labs team



    We experience together

    Let's remember together




    We experience together, why don’t we remember together? Loob is the first memory technology designed for commugenesis.




    Humans are narrative beings. We make sense of the world through the stories we tell about it.




    By dusting off and reimagining the art of  journaling, Loob provides a technological solution to our current meaning crisis.